Frequently Asked Questions

How did it all begin?

A tall birch once grew in the garden of Sarvela. This birch did not die of old age, but was blown down in an autumn storm. Jussi Sarvela took an axe in his hand, for the first time in years, and after having spent half a day trying to clear the great tree away, he became convinced that there must be an easier way to do this. Mindful that man’s idleness is the greatest motivator of creativity Jussi devised a better solution.

The wedge axe – a cross between a splitting wedge and a sledgehammer?

This is true in a way. However, a guide tube has been welded onto the wedge axe head. Unlike a sledgehammer, the striking bar is lifted up to one meter and brought down. In this way, each strike of the ‘hammer’ is aimed safely at the ‘wedge’, and the log is split as result of the weight of the striking bar, muscle power and repeated strikes.

Can women the young, the old and people with back problems use the Logmatic?

The ‘macho image’ of splitting logs is history! Neither great strength nor skill is required, nor as the Logmatic wedge axe is used in an upright position does the user have to bend and so there is little strain to the back.


According to study No. 293 by VTT, the estimated number of accidents involving axes that required medical attention was over 4,200 in Finland. The most frequently injured parts of the body were respectively legs, hands and eyes (up to two or three percent of all injuries). When splitting logs with the Logmatic these hazards are minimized provided that the instructions are followed.

What does the Logmatic System really mean?

The Logmatic system, i.e. the wedge axe, and the basket and plate, is based on a new kind of thinking that ‘revolutionizes’ all phases of splitting and handling firewood: 

1. Logs are easy to carry to the desired location in the basket either by hand or with a small wheelbarrow. 

2. Splitting is carried out within the basket as a kind of mass production – not one by one. 

3. Note! Lifting the logs and picking them up afterwards is history – this is no longer required. 

4. After splitting, the logs are taken to the fireplace or a shed to be dried in the basket. 

5. In addition, the high-quality basket is an excellent place to store the logs indoors. Attentive readers have probably already noticed that the sound of a splitting log is yet another phase in the logistic journey of firewood from woods to hearth.

Is the wedge axe environmentally friendly?

Efficient drying and the environmental burning of wood requires that the firewood be chopped into logs of 5 to 10cm in width. The recommended drying time for firewood is one year. With the Logmatic wedge axe and basket this – as well as splitting kindling and ‘eco logs’ – is quick and efficient. The basket makes carrying the logs to the place where they are split and stored easy.

Is it possible to use car tires as a kind of splitting cylinder?

Of course, especially if you wish to save money and the number of logs are limited. However, carrying logs to another location is a different problem. Carrying and piling logs is complicated because they are placed in a pile one by one if the firewood basket is not used, and carrying logs with a tire is impossible.

Are there any other differences? Why is the term “precision tool” used in this context?

When working with a traditional axe the desired target is always chosen before the strike. The result, however, depends entirely on the skill of the person. With a wedge axe the blade is always set precisely on the spot where the log is easiest to split; therefore, less strength is required in splitting wood. In addition, every consecutive strike with the wedge axe continues the work by hitting the same spot until the log is split in two.

What kind of new qualities does this invention provide?

Among others, more efficient usage and improved safety: the strike line of the axe and the sledgehammer is a curved line running from top to bottom towards the ankles. With a wedge axe this line is always perpendicular from top to bottom towards the Logmatic splitting plate. With the Logmatic splitting basket it is possible to chop one bigger log or several smaller logs at once. Logs are no longer lifted on top of the chopping log as is done when splitting wood with a traditional axe, and logs do not “fly around” either. The logs are ready to be carried immediately after splitting.

The traditional axe has been with us for thousands of years, is it time to try and shake its position or is this even desired?

The traditional axe is here to stay. Experience and knowledge of axes goes back thousands of years. However, development requires further specialization so a new method for manual splitting and handling of firewood is now available.